2814 Universe Wiki

Welcome to the 2814 Universe Wiki[]

A compendium of the people and events of Takamachi Nanoha of 2814.

A brief history of Earth 2814[]

Most people think that Time is like a river, flowing in one direction, swift and sure. Well what happens when you blow the hell out of a portion of the river with high powered explosives? You get something like Earth 2814. The deviation is simple: someone else gets the power ring instead of Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, or even Guy Garner. That person is Takamachi Nanoha, future Magical girl and latest officer of the Green Lantern Corps. With this new power up, the version of her in this section of the multiverse enters a wider world. She encounters a number of fellow heroes: Ala Alba, saviors of Mundus Magicus; the Sailor Senshi, reinacrnated warriors of love and justice; the Fuyuki Fate Knights, combatants of the fifth Heaven's feel; and Kinamoto Sakura, the Mistress of the Clow Cards. And in doing so, events happen very differently. What are you still doing here? Read the epic for yourself: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6095074/1/Takamachi_Nanoha_of_2814

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